316 [ fuck useless guilt ]

Feeling: aggravated

Just pondering RP stuff. I'm slightly annoyed that even stuff that I think would be tons of fun to do keeps getting blow up back in my face when it has nothing to do with their plot. It's getting a bit annoying that I can't do anything for myself to make shit fun for me. I hate RPing Real World: SC. It's getting rather fucking annoying and fast. This RP was not built on just relationships. It was built on fighting for the good of everyone, on protecting those who cannot be protected. I know I'm not the only one that feels this. And it's not Garrett talking through me. It's how I feel.

There is so much potential that's being pushed aside because apparently I'm "sabotaging" their plot. It's far from it. Sadly, they won't give me the chance in the day to talk to them about it. They're too wrapped up in their own egos that I just don't want to deal with BS. I don't want to deal with the attitudes. I'm taking Garrett's stance on this and just avoiding talking to them. It saves me a lot of grief. It honestly does. It doesn't help the situation any, but I don't have to deal with getting pissed off and having Mike upset because I wanna rip some throats out. It may seem childish, but I have much more on my plate right now. I don't need to deal with two little girls that think the world is out to get them.

Bah. I hate people.


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