426 [ im a soldier ]

Listening to: Rise - Origa

So, Tyrinon is coming together quite nicely! I actually got Mike in on it now because it's not like that shit we were once in after I told him a million times that it's not because, DUH, I'm over that BS and the Drama Llamas. Still have much to work on Faith. Don't much care about Sylvia since she's just a character to slaughter. :3 I love slaughtering characters. It gives me a nice warm, fuzzy feeling. I'm horrible. xD

I should actually write down everything, but I know there are people out there that like to steal the ideas of others and make them theirs. It happens all too often. Disappointing really.

Also, putting a demon in a boiling pot of holy water sounds like a lot of effing fun. xD Ahahahahah. I heart Saraph.


fast and free

follow me

time to make the sacrifice

we rise or fall


"You don't have to follow his every word."

"Don't you dare interfere with my relationsh-"

"In this situation, you are the one that doesn't have the right to tell me what to do," Hikari said glaring at Faith. Her grip on Dragon Fang tightened in her small burst of anger. She shifted slowly, her eyes never leaving the Demon's. It was taking every ounce of her strength from destroying the weakened creature. "Your opinion means nothing to me, Faith. Remember who's life you destroyed. It wouldn't take much for me to show you every little fault in your pathetic existance."

The demoness laughed. The weapon in her hand shifted with her narrow body. "You don't scare me, Hikari. I see the true light in things. Tyrinon is right. You're weak. You're pathetic."

Shadows rose and fall around Hikari. Her annoyance with Faith was growing. The girl really had no idea. She was more of a child then even Kaimu was. All she did was smile though. Shaking her head, Hikari took a few steps forward. Faith shifted into a defensive stance. There wouldn't be much of a chance for her against Hikari and she knew it. The shadowmancer had more power then she could possibly understand. Faith only hoped that the painful static of her mind could keep her alive for just a bit longer. Yet, Hikari didn't attack. She actually stopped a few feet away before bursting into laughter.

"If you are so foolish to believe every word that he has told you, then I may as well let Saraph have her way with you. The sight of you screaming in a pool of boiling holy water could be quite enjoyable." Hikari chuckled slightly before shaking her head. "But it's not for me why I'm trying to talk sence into you. It's my daughter, it's Candice. To them, you were something. You claim to be emotionless with not a care in the world, but you care just as much as any mortal. You're the pathetic one, Faith. You're just too childish to see this. Your denial is quite enfuriating. Perhaps one day you will understand the concept of mortality before it's too late. I can't kill Tyrinon until you see that he is using you. All he cares about is you sticking around giving him a life force to live off of until he can fully take away your being. Don't think he won't. You mean just as much as his Order."

"Shut up!" she shouted, charging forward. Faith knew enough not to charge, but a sudden push of rage made her lunge forward. Easily, nearly effortlessly, Hikari batted the demon to the side. She laughed. Her body took a few steps to the side, keeping her view on Faith as she tumbled to the ground.

"You are way too foolish, demon. Perhaps one day you'll understand. Keep fighting for him. It will cost you your life."

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