116 [ i dont care ]

Feeling: broken
I just don't care anymore. I created a part of that site and you know what...that doesn't get deleted with me. It's not fair. It's not fucking fair at all. Where does the credit lie anymore?! What do I get for my work? Nothing. Just nothing. It's the same as always. Just a giant void of nothing. That hole is growing. It's growing far faster then I would ever have thought it would have. I just can't buck up and say sorry. There is far much more deeper damage that I cannot fix without feeling that part of me dies with the repair. It already feels like I'm dead. And I don't care. What I want means shit anymore. Maybe I should just give up and do what everyone wants me to do. Perhaps me "dying" isn't a bad idea at all. At this point, I just don't care. ~Kaylaface♥
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