Started work and it's easy as cake. They also love me cause I don't just sit around and do nothing. I'm always trying to find something to do and I'm jumping in to help even though half the time I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I'm also annoyed, but that's more for a private entry then anything else. I always private entry stuff about certain people and how much they effing piss me off and are rude and disrespectful and gah. Just gah. -.- I should take Mike's lead and effing do what he did so I don't have to look at stupid shit all day and be pissed off. Nice way to show you care. -thumbs up- Just ug. I hate people. I fucking hate people. I guess I now know why I have very little friends and so does Mike. They always find some way to hurt us in the end. ~Kayla
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Post fairy o.o... *squeeeeeeeeeeee*
That's not why I did it... and I do still care. v.v