About Nothing....

Feeling: creative
I don't really have anything to say...I started a new story on my Blackunicorn site. It is turning out pretty good. I am also putting it on my Deviantart site. I'll have pics on there of it. It will be awsome...LoL! Well, G2G! I need to add an entry to my Andthisis and Earthlybabe sites! PEACE!!! I'm nothing...Karidatove Adrinee
Read 5 comments
i love that song :)
hey, if u wanna see all the bands i like, look over to my entry list and u will see oen that says 'all the bands i like' or something like that. it prolly has dots. u kinda seem like my twin! lmao
Thanks. I'm trying to make it better but right now it's ok.
Man gurl you must love writing stories. lol. That's not a bad thing though. I do too!!!!

lol yay! keep on coming back!