Oui...je sais...

Feeling: depressed
Why does the world seem like it is crashing down on me? I know that I sound selfish, but I am. No one cares. Well, about me anyway. I guess being alone isn't nothing new. I always complain about it. Every other word out of my mouth sounds monotone. Am I not the Ice Queen? I would rather shoot people than talk to them. Well, except for those people who care about me. That is sickening. People actually care about me. HA! That makes me laugh. Oui...je sais...je sais. Je ne suis rien. I'm nothing. That is how it is. Maybe I should just die. Nah, I can't. Who would want to? I don't know anymore. I'm just lost. Too lost to be saved. Damn I sound like a broken record. Oh, well. Fuck all y'all who care. I'm nothing...Kari
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Heya girl!! You're the best when it comes to cheering up, but now you've got to cheer up as well. Don't make me get a hold of HIM just to make you happy. Anyhow, I think I will post that story as I work on it. Love Ya! Kat