So help me, if I could beat the shit out of my mother, it would be right fucking now. MY GRANDMOTHER HAD A FUCKING BLEEDING ULCER AND YOU DIDN'T HAVE THE FUCKING DECENCY TO CALL YOUR OLDEST DAUGHTER AND TELL HER THE WOMAN SHE MOST RESPECTS IS IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL BECAUSE SHE WAS PUKING UP BLOOD?!? Thank you. Thank you so fucking much. I'm happy that she is okay. God. I donno what I would do if I found out that something really bad had happened to her. I love my grandmother so much. To hear this from her a few days AFTER she gets out of the hospital breaks my heart. WHY COULDN'T YOU TELL ME?! I would have come out there in a fucking heartbeat. It's my GRANDMOTHER! ARG!!!! -just cusses up a storm- Thanks mom. Just thanks. I really feel appreciated. You best be thankful that I found out now instead of when she came out here in a couple of weeks. I would have cussed your ass out. Not kidding. You are a fucking bitch. ~Kayla
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