
Listening to: Nothing
Feeling: happy
Grrr! Your black. Cold and distant to everyone but
a few close friends. You love rock music and
are wild, but deep down you just want to be

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theOtaku.com: What Wolf Are You? I'm home alone and it's kinda cool. LOL! I had a farily good day. I fell asleep in Algebra 2 and Chemistry. LOL! I guess that's what I get. He-he! I haven't wrote anything in forever. LOL! I need to do that! I can't get a pic in my messages and I would like to know how to put a pic on the side by my name. Kari ;p
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Hey Karigurl. Sorry I havent replied in such a long time!!! My internet crashed in my room. So I'm using my parents. You have to make sure that when you want a picture with your messages, you have it in your image manager and then rename it to comment_pic. BUT it cannot be big. Why I have no clue. lol. School went fairly well. I'll tell ya about it sometime.

Awwww don't cry!!!!! Everything will be okay. If you'd like I can try and do it for you. lol. Of course, I don't know your password. lol.
