My TT Thread...

Feeling: amused
LoL! You guys need to join my Thread room! LoL! Apparently, I'm not a virgin anymore...LoL! Don't ask. The web site is Yeah, I'm under Hikari_Moriyaku. Um...the real juicy stuff is under the thread name...Made Up Characters Squared. Don't ask. It was all Broly. ...the good stuff involved me and The Anti-Montior. I call him Josh, don't ask. Just go! LoL! Too much drama....Kari
Read 6 comments
you are seriously a nut...enjoy your room
finished chpt 7 & posted 8..hope it clears up everythinig for you...
you want to hang while you're here? did so well tonight that we don't have practice saturday...that puts a hault in your plans i guess...
um..i'll only be home until 4:30...gotta work you decide what to do
Hey...last time i put poems up you said you liked them so I was just letting you know I put more up (they are not that good)..and if you look at them please let me know what you think!
do you mind if i go too? on saturday?