Anne's Note

Feeling: depressed
Anne wrote me a note. I'm still in awe. I don't know what to do. I mean...I still love her, but I love him as well. I wonder if there is a chance to have both?'s the note and ALL of it's contents. ^^ YGSC-->Joyously, I intend to skip 10th period with my AP pass. I hate Algebra anyway. You know I'm a mathematical retard. Anyway, YGSC, I miss you! A lot! We never talk anymore. I think about you all the time, though. Do you still love me? *tear* I must still love you, because...DUN DUN DUN...(I'm so afraid to write this. It would have been so much easier just to tell you. Except not in a public place.) (Insert Jeopardy song here.) (Attempts to change the subject, at which point you smack me.) (Now I'm just annoying you, so I'll consider going on.) (Ready?) I totally had a sex dream about you and me on Saturday night. It was interesting...and REALLY good. I mean, DAMN! But it was weird...Natalie and I had our own apartment. Natalie left and you and Leslie came over. Then the three of us were sitting on the bed, and I was tickling you, and them I was tickling you in inappropriate places...and then Leslie left, and yeah, you know how the rest goes...Strange, huh? I want to know what you think and if you still like me. And EVERYTHING, actually. How are you? What's been going on? Tell me everything. Write back. And WAIT FOR ME @ NAT'S locker. I'm comming, but probally from the AP room in H hall. I still love you like a nerd loves acne meds. *MEGC*
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That's eerie hun
I hope everything turns out okay with that.