And he has to ruin it all again.

Garrett's bringing Armok back. I don't know if I can deal with this. I may hate him, but the part in me that is Hikari still loves him. I have to RP her still in love with him. I have to no matter how much this will hurt. *sighs* He made a stupid post on the site. He starting bitching about cutters and suicide. I don't think he understands any of it. He claims he does and I know he's cut before, but he doesn't know everything about the topics. Every reason he claimed that ppl cut is not the reasons that I did. Maybe he should do more shutting up then opening his mouth. *shrugs* But that's my opinion. I really fucking hate ppl like that. I'm thinking about posting a nice little comment to him on that thread. He's a fucking moron and I am not afraid to tell it to him in his face. It just really pisses me off that he doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. I hate that and I hate him more then anyone I have ever hated before. *sighs* But because of Katey, I will keep my mouth shut. I will ignore it. I will try my hardest for her. She means too much to me to just lose over some dumb ass. The Dark Angel
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