Feeling: glad
Meh. I'm bored. I don't wanna go to work at all. I know I have to leave at 9:30, but still. I just don't wanna go. Period. Work sucks. Balls. But meh. Ionno. I'm really bored period. I still don't really have a place to RP which has turned to me playing WoW which has made Mike hate every minute of it cause I have nothing else better do to. I don't like just sitting around. I have to keep moving. It's the way I is. But I love that game and I love the people in my guild. I love how no one knows me and I can pretend to be a no one. It's nice. I'm not playing myself off as someone else. And when they call me Fall or Pix, I am not offended. I'm glad. People don't know my name. I enjoy playing with Dave, sure, but there is this dark cloud hanging over my head when I do. That's only because he knows me and everyone else he plays with know me. It's just not fair and I want to stay far far away from it. I like being unknown. I like meeting other people. Nagi, Ara and Ash are awesome people. I wish Yue would come back. They actually make me feel like I belong somewhere despite be obviously being the annoying little sister. xD So, guys...thank you. Let's just hope I can stay unknown for a little while longer. ~Kaylaface♥
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