Listening to: Razor Sharp - Collide
Feeling: tickled
I've been RPing on Live Hard like crazy. Okay...well...not really crazy...and posting like...once a day, but still. I care more about it then any other place. I have Kaika. That's all I damn well need. Hikari used to be me, but as I progress with Kaika, I realize that she is more like me now then how I used to be. Ionno. It's strange. I'm more worried about people posting for her then any of my other characters that I am completely neglecting. *le sigh* *huggles Chase* But yeeeeeeah. Other then that, work has pissed me off to all points. The fuckers gave me an evaluation for my year. Bias has won because I am not getting a raise will all of these bullshit comments. It. Is. Fucking. Bull. Shit. End of story. ~Kaylaface♥
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