
Feeling: depressed
Failing Algebra again...this is the end of the 9 weeks. I feel like such a failure right now. Someday, I will end this pitful excuse for a life. Someday, ppl won't have to worry about me. I will be in Hell where I belong. I have already sold my soul. I'm too lost to be saved. I just I don't have to live much longer... Kari
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Gurl don't be saying stuff like that! I love Algebra, I can so help you in that subject. If you have Yahoo, MSN, or AIM let me know and I can help you ^_^ I'm always here for ya. So please, talk to me if you need to.

My Yahoo is DarkAngel1458 and then my MSN is Love ya. ^_^

hey, you know I understood it, but I can't let you talk like need to talk to me, plz
that's BS!! You think I like this life any better than you?! I hate it but I'm not going to end it just because I won't let ppl help me! I've talked w/ ppl and took to finding relief in my music and writing! I'm not going to lose you!
no damnit! i'm not going to let you end your life!
stop! plz just stop. i can't lose you
you told me that you were tired of this depression and that you were sorry for pushing me away, is this any better? this will just continue the pain we are both causing one another...plz, Belle don't do this
then talk to me! I've been left in the dark for ages now and I HAVE to know what's going on with you...You're my best friend I can't lose another one because I didn't fight to keep that person...I'd just be a failure all over again
i remember New Years, but I want to know what's going on w/ you. If I don't, then how can I help you when you get like this? I can't and I don't want to be helpless