Fuck this shit.

Listening to: Puke - Eminem
Feeling: depressed
I'm over Anne. She let me get me away. So, I'm gone. I have someone else who likes me and I have my boyfriend who I love. I would rather spend time with them then wishing that I was with Anne. She let me go. I'm gone. *sighs* My step-dad took my internet away cause I yelled at him. I said that he never listens to me. Then, he took my interent. Fucking dick. I'm over at Winny's cause she loves me, but she is such a dumb ass. He he...She knows I love her. ^^ *grins* WOO! I need Mt. DEW! DAMN IT! UG! I'm going through withdrawl! GAH! And my sharpie rush is gone. Damn it. I should go home and start drawing with them again. My release from the world. Fuck, I get so happy that it makes me seem normal. What in the hell is normal? I sure in the hell am not. I would rather take a fucking gun to my head but I want to live more. I want to be with Sky and meet Mike. I want to watch my best friend grow up and be something. And yes, I want to have kids. I want to watch them grow up. I will protect him. I don't want them to get hurt as I have. *sighs* Well, I must go. I have to finish my sister's pic. That little bitch better love me. Kari I beleve in you I'll give up everything just to find you I have to be with you to live to breathe You're taking over me
Read 3 comments
sorry about your internet....
phara je t' adore
That sux without bounds. You know, I luv ya ^^. Hope ur back online soon.
Kari! Come back sooN! We miss ya!