Feeling: free

Still working on mah story ideas. I've decided to basically tear shit down and throw it in some faces. Why? Because I can. I feel free to do whatever right now and nothing can stop me from reaching my goal. Well, cept work. God I hate working. Too bad normal ppl have to do it. Fucking market. Obama or not, shit will eventually have to get better. Maybe when ppl learn to shut the fuck up and work together to come up with a plan good for everyone, we'll actually be able to say that this country is worth something.

And I'm fucking patriotic as hell. Liberal or not, I want a neutral ground everyone can agree on. It's not hard to achieve. I am surrouded by effing Republicans. Even with Mike and I talking, we can come up with a neutral ground. Some ppl get it, some are just too fucking pig headed to give a fuck about other ppl's opinions.

Take that how you want. I'm free.

God it's effing cold today!!! >< I don't have my sweater anymore. Tara decided to throw it away so now I'm boned at the window tonight. Ug. Just ug. It's going to be cold and I'm going to be wet and boo. Just boo.

Ahahahaha. I just took that so dirty. xD

I play WoW, can't you tell?! Maybe it's more like I hang out with Dave. God he is such a bad influence. :p


all i did was love you

now i hate the nightmare you have become

i cant let you fool me

i wont need you again


"A new life, kiddo. What do you think?" he asked her as he drove the car down a blank highway.

"Yeah. Great."

Her eyes just glanced around at the barren land. The desert was harsh. How she wished she could just break free from the car and take off. Her left hand tugged at the bracelet. Kaimu didn't want to live a normal life. She was far from normal. Despite everything being so messed up lately, the girl wanted nothing more then to fight. She wanted to fight for the mother she lost as well as protect the mother she had. Too bad she was shipped off again. It was always like this. There would never be a chance for her to have her own choices as long as everyone thought her weak. It wasn't fair.

"Just so happy to live as a Normal McNormal."

"Kaimu," he said, sighing.

The girl just turned up her iPod and went back to playing her DS.

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