*jaw on ground*

Feeling: happy
I saw it...I saw it! OMG! It was freakin' awsome! The beginning was weird. They fight this guy named Adonis. He gets too close to my Raven. But, BB totally kicks his butt, but gets this slime crap on him. BB ATE MEAT! LOL! Robin's reaction was amusing. Then, he got up in Raven's face. She could SO take him out! Don't fuck with Raven! Then, I sound like such a kid! ANYWAY! He begins to transform. Raven goes to see if he is okay, but something happens. Then the damn commerials! Then, the show came back on and you hear Raven scream. RAVEN...SCREAM! NO WAY! I was freaked out! Robin, Cy and Star go out looking for her and BB. They end up finding this big beasty thing. He was holding Raven by her hood. Then, he set her down gently on the ground to fight them. Turns out, it was BB. Okay, they go back to the tower. Raven's unconscious. BB is freaking out. Then, Robin being the dick that he is, makes BB transform again. He tries to get close to Rae, but they fight him off. Well, BB gets close long enough to smell her (weird, yes. Shut up). He runs off. Robin and Cy go after BB, leaving Star with Rae. Anyway, Robin fires something at BB and he howls or screams, one of the two. Rae wakes up. Star tells her that BB won't hurt her. Rae said that he didn't hurt her...*mouth fell at this point*...and so BB is in the sewers looking for something. Robin and Cy see BB fighting something that looks like him. BB ends up winning. It was Adonis. Adonis hurt my Rae and BB went to save her. The ending had BB and Rae talking. Of course, BB had to try to mess it up. Then it ended with me almost freaking out! ARG! I LOVE IT! BB AND RAE FOREVER! Yeah, I'm weird. Get over it. I'm going to a party tonight. This should be interesting. I'm the only one that is Goth...lol! I'm nothing...Kari
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Oh Oh! Have Fun at the party ... and yes, my Mom is mental. I wish I could go to that party with you and be a Goth for a night, but I do'nt have that kind of clothing ... damn, and I don't live there! Hah, that could be a problem. Anyways, have fun!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year!

Danny and Shanny
hey i know its been while but ch.9 is finally up so go check it out and i hope u like it!