Split in Two

Feeling: depressed
Yeah...I was in a bad mood. I yelled at my friend Kelsey cause she was being bitchy to me. I told her to stop being bitchy to me cause I'm not in the mood... I took the National French Exam today. That was interesting. Then I got on here and cheaked up on my site. What my guy said...*sighs*...cheered me up quickly. Good day the rest of the day. So, when you read this my Sweet Raptured Light...thank you so much... I'm really bored right now and a massive zit is forming on my forehead. It SUCKS! GR! Well...I must go...see you all later! ^-^ Help me find my sweet suicide...Kari Rain
Your element is Rain: Sad, lonely, distant and
unique. You are quite distant from emotion and
people, but you have been made this way by one
thing or another. You are truly unique yet fail
to see it, and are quite creative be it in art,
music, writing, ect.. You used to let people in
now you don't even bother to try having been
hurt so many times in the past. Your attitude
is that you don't need anyone but yourself,
people are just trouble waiting to happen. But
you really do want to trust someone no matter
if you see it or not, deep down your waiting
for someone to come and set you free. This kind
of depression can turn dangerous, don't let
them get to you. Not everyone in the world will
hurt you, humans are humans and are not
perfect. So most likely sooner or later you'll
meet someone who feels like you do and perhaps
your shell will eventually disappear.

.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla
Read 9 comments
i wish i could speak/know french. i tried to learn once, it didnt work. i could emerse myself in the culture one day, that would probabaly work, okay, enough of my rambling.
love bails
your welcome
your still beautiful
i hope you did well on the french exam
well i fit the fire....
yet i love the rain
i'll thaw you if you wash away my rust
time is all you need to wash it away, and all i need is time to thaw you
time together
forever isnt long enough
an eternity on eternities
i know its a long time but yet it is fitting :)
yeah but its great