Feeling: tired

11:31 Late Monday Morning (15 March 2010)

She isn't his Girlfriend

I lost my wedding band somehow when Caleb and I were in NZ. It was weird because it was on my finger between my hand and my engagement ring. I don't remember taking off either of my rings, nor do I remember it breaking and falling off. All I know is that on our last day in the north island it was there and the day we got back to Christchurch it wasn't there anymore. It wasn't the highest quality, for sure, but none of the high quality rings were the right size or thickness or colour. I miss it because it's the kind of thing I could wear when getting my hands dirty; there were no cracks and crevices for dirt to find its way in. I have to take my engagement ring off whenever I put on lotion or work in soil, unless i want the ring to get gross...which generally i don't.

Anyway it was with this thought in mind that I started suggesting to Caleb yesterday that we replace it with a similarly inexpensive ring but as I was looking at my hand where the wedding band would go, I realised my engagmenet ring was missing, too.

it was a scary moment because I thought it might have come off in my gloves while skiing and then fallen out somewhere along the ride from the top of the mountain back to the house. Caleb was...relaxed about it saying that he could always just buy another one like it, it wasn't custom or anything and it was pretty reasonably priced....but then I remembered that I took it off on girl's night at Kikolita's on Friday when we were rubbing paraffin treatments on our hands and sugar scrubs and what-have-you. Things that I don't usually do just because I don't like rubbing that sort of mess on my hands. anyway. Then I looked in the bags and things I had taken to Kiko's on Friday. Just before I began the quest to empty my painstakingly rolled sleeping bag I called Kiko to see if she had seen it. She didn't answer so I texted her hoping she would look when she got the text. A few minutes later she called back to tell me she didn't see it when she was cleaning up the coffee table but that she would look for it in the living room, and to call her if I found it at my house. I suggested looking between the couch cushions because that's often where things go in my house when they go missing. Then she hung up and I was untying the strings to loosen the sleeping bag when she called me back and said "I found it! by the couch!"

super convenient.

sometimes you need a little drama in your own life to get the adrenaline pumping and to make sure your life isn't dead. haha. a -little- drama is the key though.

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