7:09 Monday Morning   You're Too Fake, You're Not Fake Enough It's hard to tell. I hate waking up.
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heres a good fake for you.


a good fake french accent. that never fails to overtake my english-speaking brain EVERY time i see your username.

its still true teresa, i swear. CUH-RAZY.
lol. I'm sure we won't get a divorce. I know that he wants the points just as bas as I do. I just don't understand why he's not willing to cooperate right now to get them. *shrugs* This 2 shall pass.
Its about this guy named Andrew (everyone just calls him Large) who left NJ when he got sent to boarding school. Hes been medicated all his life and when he goes back home for his moms funeral he decides to stop taking his meds and he meets his old friends that he hasnt seen in years and he meets this girl Sam. Its not your typical love movie at all. Which is why i like it. And its hilarious.