8:30 Mid Sunday Morning (23 November 2008)   Gasp, Chemicals! I have always noticed how "green" people eschew these things they call "chemicals," and how all "chemicals" are entirely horrible and they strive to live in a "chemical" free world. Everything is made of chemicals. Life Tip: learn the chemical formula of water. It's just kind of cool to know that the planet is covered mostly in a big ol mess of dihydrogen monoxide. if you're looking to run away from these chemicals you fear, you're going to have to turn yourself into energy and sit around in deep space, away from all matter. This, of course, will eventually happen, but probably not within our species' lifetime. It just bugs me, I guess. In some small, petty way. I wish the green movement was more about scientifically-backed information and less about plain bein' scared. I wish more "green" people could tell me something about organically produced food that sways me more than sustainably produced food - the two are not mutually inclusive! Speaking of food, briefly radiating food will NOT turn it into a glowing green glob of radioactive waste. It's just a more efficient way to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. It just fills me with the glee of irony when people stop drinking pasteurized milk because they want to get back to nature and then they start falling ill because they failed to take into account the benefits of pasteurization (id est: killing pathogens). Maybe it's just an off day, but everything I'm reading on the green blog is frustrating the hell out of me. They are making the earth-friendly movement look bad, which is the last thing we need.
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Pasteur must be rolling in his grave. Thank you people... for disregarding centuries of accumulated knowledge from the enlightenment of western civilisation onwards, and in doing so, risking your and your children's health. Well done
If one were to turn one's self into pure energy, the current celestial environment would cause that energy quickly coalesce into a mass of hydrogen spread thinly across a few million parsecs.

That's assuming string theory is remotely correct, of course.
Hooray indeed :)
I had iron will power yesterday and didn't check out any nightmare inducing ebola :S