8:07 Thursday Morning   Being the Girl Not only was I the only female specimen in the room besides the cash register lady, I was also beautiful. Or I felt like I was anyway. Luckily, it was internet games and not a bunch of D&D obsessors so girls weren't completely new to them and plus they were all mostly absorbed in their stuff. It took Simon a whole half a second to realise I was there. He set me up in the game, gave me the name t3r3s4 (1337 stylz. go simon, go), got me on the terrorist team of Counterstrike 1.5, and taught me the controls. For the next hour and 40 minutes, I was killing my friends and being killed by them like it was nobody's business. Mostly being killed. But I had some good killing sprees and helped win the game for my team a few times which i was proud of because I'd never played a first person shooter before. Andrew even said "Whoa, Teresa's going awesome!" once or twice. yay me. i am going awesome. Anyway, after that we all went to the bus Xchange and parted ways, I talked to Caleb a while and we decided he was going to come over and hang out sometime and then my bus came and I went home. Caleb came over and we hung out in the park for a few minutes, then we came back to my place, watched the Simpsons and Malcolm in the Middle, ate tea, talked and whatnot...He went home around 1:40ish and I was tired like whoa. Dad gave me 40 bucks this morning to go swimming and buy new goggles but I don't know, I guess there's not going to be a waterfight today because it's pretty cloudy, But I did want to go downtown at 11:30 and watch the human statues. Preferably with Caleb. Maybe after that I'll go swimming. But first I need Caleb to get online and also I need to do the dishes. On wednesday I went swimming but gave up after 600 m and sat in the spa for 20 minutes, showered, went downtown, bought two tickets for the 11 pm showing of the Rocky Horror Show on Saturday, and went home. Daddy came home around 5, we left immediately after that and went downtown to see the busker show. By the way, buskers are street performers. Christchurch has a world buskers festival every year where they pay for the travel and board for buskers all over the world to come and perform, but the only actual income the buskers get is from the donations of others. Anyway, the Busker Comedy Show was completely awesome. I can't explain the acts because I'm no good at description, but I did take 15 or so photos, and when i get the roll developed I'll have to scan some in and post them here or something. WOW it was cool. Here I wait, for .. i'm not waiting. i have to go do dishes. yay dishes. ----------------- 8:24 a.m. Okay, reading over my entry, a line says "and whatnot...he left at 1:40 and I was tired like whoa" and it sounds a lot dodgier than it really is. Honestly i was just tired because it was late.
Read 3 comments
like the killing and the dying.
lan gaming kicks ass.
: P
or, as laura would say, it 'kills ass'
: P
ofcourse it wasn't mature, I wasn't trying to be mature.