Listening to: Gogol Bordello
Feeling: happy
2:29 Mid Friday Afternoon   Best Idea I can't find the receipt I wrote the poem on. shame shame. I skipped Physics today to play on the quad, but I'm kinda wishing I hadn't. oh well. day on the quad was ok. there weren't as many high school students as i had been expecting. the Army had a rock climbing wall, but I didn't want to give them my information so i abstained. hate working with the drifting electrode. sigh. this round seems to be going better than the last time i tried, though. the bellydancing performance is tonight. kinda scared. kinda not thinking about it. i'm going to do my makeup better tonight than I did last night for the dress rehearsal (I hope). Hopefully today I will be less frustrated than I was yesterday. makeup is the devil. So "Start Wearing Purple" came on...I should have expected that since i'm listening to the album it's on, but still...random blastback (not so random i guess) to Prom and a couple times post prom... I really really miss Steve. he hasn't written me for a while. I've been working on a letter to him for ages but instead of sending it I just write more. sigh. i miss having someone I could rely on, who enjoyed doing some of the less obvious things around town. watching old movies at the theatre. Hiking, whatever. We had become such good friends and I really don't want that to die. I can't wait to get out of here. no, that's a lie. i can wait, I just...really want to go. I want to see my friends whom i haven't seen in a year. i want to see Caleb whom I haven't cuddled in 2 months. haha. i don't like being away from him. who's there to help me with my physics homework? no one, that's who. and finally, it smells alarmingly like farts in here, but i'm the only one in the lab and it wasn't me!! oh dear.
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they wanted your info to climb the wall? gay. i hate when i lose things i wrote... i write on the back of receipts all the time, haha. ew, plug your nose? can.t stand bad smells. make me vomit. oh, my tonsils/adnoids. it sucked. i woke up from the anasthesia very distraught. i don.t know why but i was absolutely hysterical before i was even awake. and i had the shakes so bad they had to give me demoral and put me back under. but everything else
went well and i.m on morphine demoral and tons of vicodin so hooray world for jessica. haha. just wish any of my friends gave a shit enough to stop by or even just text me and see how i am doing. i feel like shit and none of my best friends have even put the smallest call in, not that i can talk but they could leave a message. or text me. i.m sad:/
"i don't like being away from him. who's there to help me with my physics homework? no one, that's who." :) i was thinking more along the lines of crepes. my friend who took a few belly dancing classes went to egypt and saw what she described as the perfect outfit for the class. she didn't end up getting it, though.
thanks love
it is it is it is, i'm mostly just being crazy...