6:33 Saturday Evening   The Characterization of Emily Grierson Gah, I've never been so stumped with an English homework project in my life. :( I ate too much = sick. ----------------- 7:25 p.m. We could name our cat Socrates and our dog Locke, after great thinkers. We could hide Post-It notes all around. so anyway, i was reading this webcomic that i've been following for nigh on 3 or 4 years...it's amazing how close I can get to fictional characters. a minor character dies and I seriously almost cried. in a webcomic. My favourite webcomic, but still. it's still just a comic. Not even a book, or a movie. geez. i'm more than a little pathetic. so. emily grierson. Screw you, Faulkner. Screw you and your amazing writing. gal;dkgh;algha;rltkahg.
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I think that honesty is just something that society invented for a goal to strive towards.

It really doesn't exist. Nobody is completely honest with anyone- it's not lying but you just have some things that you never tell the rest of the world. You just keep it to yourself, like it or not. ♥J
I get attached to characters that aren't real far too easily. There was an English TV show called Cutting It, and at the end of the last series the main character died, and I cried so much my eyes were all puffy and swollen.

And I always eat until I feel sick, but sick with myself, not physically sick.
If you're referring to Something Positive, I had the same reaction. It was horrid - there were tears.

-Pirate Dan.