10:36 Mid Wednesday Night   Wedne's Day Admittedly, I would have been quite happy to have slept in until 10 and not gone to 'work.' Here's the dealio, my boss got screwed over by a shit university invoicer who 'forgot' to send bills to a certain company we rely on for funding for research ...for the last 3 years. So apparently, we're $90 K in the hole and the company doesn't want to pay up because it would make them look back to their stockholders. What does this mean? This means I get to find a new job, basically. There's a little bit of work left to do but then that's it. My boss didn't get the grants he applied for either, and it seems as though the company really isn't interested in continuing their correspondence with our lab. So apparently a different guy in the department was talking to my boss about hiring me on to do some of the work that some of his employees neglect to do. It's the same pay so I agreed. I am not exactly thrilled to spend my day in a basement grinding plant samples, but I do need the cash. Ok so that's work. In other news, I haven't communicated with Caleb in real time since I left. I texted him about a million times in the Auckland airport and got 2 texts from him. That was the last of it. I know, only 4 days. But that's 4 days more than I have gone without talking to him in like a year and it's really wearing me down because I miss him a lot. duh. Also, I've registered myself to take the GRE in under 4 weeks. Have I even started studying? no . not really. I've only been back for 4 days but so far everything's been spiraling down fast and skanky. Let's end this entry on a positive note. Today I went on an hour-long walk with Hailey. We picked up litter and looked at pretty houses and even ate popsicles. It was a gorgeous evening and I'm glad we were able to get together. And tomorrow I get to go out to Indian Oven with Emily, Lauri, and Molly. I'm so excited. Friday is our dress rehearsal for the Middle Eastern Dance show, and my debut as a member of the performing troupe. The choreography is looking good, and I'm excited for the show on Saturday. Everything Must Change.
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popsicles are always good when accompanied by walks