11:20 Thursday Night   Firsts are more memorable than Seconds I am having wacky-as dreams lately. I went hiking and to the beach today, but the beach was smelly. I built a great sandcastle by myself! all by myself! for the first time ever. Hmm, it is so nearly the last day of December. December is such a sad month, in a lot of places in the northern hemisphere it is a cold, dead month signifying age and endings. The oldest month, when the year hangs up its coat and hat and says, "alright, I'm done." It's got a shiny bit for Christians and Jewish people and some Muslims and basically it's an ubiquitous season of joy and love and presents around the Christmas/Hannukuh/Kwanzaa time, but really, December is so sad. It's my favourite month, though. Perhaps because it also sort of signifies new beginnings, or at least being able to look forward to new beginnings. The time when you get to make new years resolutions just waiting to be broken "lose 5 kilos / diet / exersise / stop smoking" et cetera. Maybe it's my favourite month because I love Christmas in all it's overcommercialised light and joy. Maybe it's my favourite month because it snows. Although it's supposed to be summer here and its still rainy and a bit cold. Oh well. I still love you, December. December December December. Until next year. (my next entry will be one of those boring listy ones.) ----------------- 11:55 p.m. why do I feel like Screaming
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Hey Teresa looking shnazy. I want to thank you. Earlier today I thought life sucks but looking and remembering old friendships always makes me happy. So thanks for somewhat being there. I miss ya. You can contact me now at barisax but not as fatman.
Dude, like happy new year!
I like december for some reason too. But yes, it is kind of sad. But somehow beautiful at the same time.
True, I jumped the gun a bit there.

Still, there's only three hours three hours left now. I don't know why that should make any difference.

Happy New Year =)