52 (223)

Listening to: Big Band Music
Feeling: happy
Sunday, 6:41 p.m.   Record Scratches on a CD Today was such a good day. I woke up at 8:30 a.m., and fell back to sleep. I had a weird-as dream that i don't remember any more (I've been having a lot of those lately), and then I woke up again an hour later, 9:30 and freaked out because I had church in 30 minutes. I got ready (complete with hott outfit, mascara, hair ready, and contacts in) in ten minutes. I am teh masta. Then I ate, dad told my sister that she was going to church, so she got dressed and we left. I felt soooo hott, in my sexy pinstriped mini skirt and white tee, and my shiny plastic jacket. I wasn't even that cold. Anyway, got to church at the same time as Zeb, so I sat next to him, and then Caleb came in and sat on Zeb's other side, da da da, service la la la, and then youth group, during most of which Caleb and Zeb and I talked about a scavenger hunt we should do next weekend downtown. Kiss a Random (yesssssSS), make a dollar busking (street performing), etc. It sounds like so much fun. My little sister met Caleb's little sister and seemed to get along pretty well with her which is way cool. Then Chelsea and I went home, and took a bus to the mall and went shopping. It was actually quite a lot of fun, we got matching halter tops (only mine is a black medium, and hers is a blue small) and some CDs. She got a Lifehouse CD, I got a Rage Against The Machines and 50 Great Big Band Classics. its all good. I spent too much money...=and chelsea owes me $5. Lessee, I spent around 40 dollars. My entire allowance for last month. No more shopping sprees for me. Now I'm doing homework, and the only thing that could make today better is if Caleb came over and helped me because he is a smart boy and takes physics. =P Stupid smart people.... Suxx0r. Tuesday I don't get to sleep in or whateva because there is a test in math first period. Sigh. But i suppose that means double maths, which is good. Tuesdays are my favourite school day, as I don't have accounting, and they used to also give me pleasure because I also did not have technology, but i like tech now that I'm actually doing stuff in it. Thursdays are good because there is no chemistry. = Fridays are bad because there is no maths, mondays are good because there is no english, wednesdays are awesome because they are different. Da da da. School's out in 4 weeks! hehehehehehhehehehehehehe. and by studying, I mean water fights and scavenger/treasure hunts.
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Tuesdays are good for me too because I have art. And art is always good.

My brother is one of those stupid smart people who take physics. Damn him. =P Hehe.