Feeling: contemplative
4:56 Thursday Late Afternoon   Frightened and Sick I feel really sick after I eat food. and then I feel really sick if I don't eat food. i hate food. I'm mostly happy though I'm a little sad that i now have no one to go to homecoming with. It wouldn't be that big of a deal because dances suck, but i bought a dress and I was really excited to wear it. i love dressing up. it's just the way I am. I'd ask a boy but I'm really tired of not being beautiful enough to be asked. So i guess I will just have to deal with it and get over it. I have a pretty dress though. what am I supposed to do with it? maybe i should just give it to some girl who is the same size as me and be done with it. i spent a decent amount of money on it though. yeah the relief teacher in small engines was a butt from planet bad-teacher. She was horrible. To the extent that i raised my hand in class and asked her if our teacher would be back tomorrow. When she said yes, i told her, "good." because i'm rude like that. she treated us like we were 5. which only made us want to act like we were 5. i didn't like her. I guess it's just something about me? That i don't like incompetent teachers? maybe.
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I'm in total agreeance. Food bites the big one.
...pardon the pun.
omg. I know exactly how you feel about the whole dance thing..well kinda..everyone in the posse is going, except me. I decided it's ok though because there are lots of dances and maybe if I'm lucky I'll be asked to a different one...like..SeniorProm! or something like that. Except I think if I didn't get asked to that I might be a little bitter, maybe even cry. Oh well, I don't have to worry about that for a while yet. I love you!
That's how i feel about food too =(
we need to go to homecoming together so you can wear your dress.

and so i can buy one.
i don't know when it is. but i know its sometime in october.

i don't even know if our admin. will let us go together. a lesbian couple got in once, but one of them dressed as a guy.

i hate the admin.
i haven't talked to you since thursday! *sad*

but, I love you!

Saturday will be a ton of fun. I'm excited.
Behave yourself.

I will maybe see you tomorrow, or maybe today if I get lucky. I dunno.
I think you should get all dolled up and just go with friends or something anyway. Chances are, all the boys will see how beautiful you are and that you're so cool you came on your own && they'll be like, "DANCE WITH ME, PLEASE!" and you'll say, "Well... I suppose." and everything will be fantastic.

If that doesn't work out, wear the dress anyway. Haha.

I hate incompetent teachers too. Bah humbug.♥
Because I know that it's there if I need it.
I feel really sick after I eat food.
and then I feel really sick if I don't eat food.

that happens to me too. =[ i hate it. but yet, at times...i LOVE food. i just cna't get over it. hahah
OOh, that dress sounds very pretty. I feel exactly the same way, I might just go by myself, even though I would probably feel really pathetic doing it. But I mean! It's Senior Prom....why would I ever want to miss that. I hope you have fun at the Logan dance, sounds like it will be awesome.
hey hows it going
they wouldn't let her go by herself either. they said "that is what stomps are for. prom is a couples' dance and we'd like to keep it that way."

what a bunch of bastards.

she did end up getting a date though.