Feeling: tense
10:47 Mid Wednesday Night   Random Saline Drops So i was reading something i wrote to caleb earlier today after that bitch of a test I took in physics. I had to calm down so I decided to write about something i really like so obviously Caleb came up as a topic. anyway I wrote it this afternoon and it made me feel better, and now i just read it and oh my god i just started crying for no reason that i can tell. it's ridiculous. it's been a stressful day and i had such an amazingly delicious dinner/dessert at The Indian Oven. dear me. i ate way too much food because...frankly i havent' had much of an appetite lately and my stomach isn't used to having a real meal. I think this whole Caleb being gone thing is starting to catch up to me. Amy invited me to go with her and her friends to hike and go rock climbing down south and while i'm super tempted, i'm scared because it's a week of no talking to caleb and also i don't know Amy's friends that well and i've only ever been rock climbing twice, both times with Steve who obviously won't be there. and ... i think it will make me miss steve a lot. i will have to discuss the details with Amy at some other time, I guess. Oh, I don't think i mentioned this but yesterday after my soils class, I remembered I volunteered to help with a liquid nitrogen demo for the preschool on campus. There were two guys from Chem club that i'd never met before - two sophomores (i'm a sophomore in actual schooling time but a junior in credit hours), both...you know. Chemistry majors. So i felt a bit on the odd-one-out cos all i know about is dirt, being a soils major and all. anyway, it was fun. we got to freeze flowers and smash them against the table and say "Do flowers shatter?", ("Noooo!" say the kids) and shrinking gas in balloons (they'd already seen that demo though. jerks), etc etc. Turns out, though, that this is Sol, Ell, and Em's preschool! I heard Sol tell Ell, "That's teresa! she lives at Chelsea's house!" which made me laugh. And after the demo I took off my lab coat and gave them hugs...then all the other little girls wanted hugs so it was hugs all around. it made my day. so yeah. this is a really weird entry. hm. oh well.
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Oh My, you just kill me! Ha Ha! You're so cute...wow!
love you!
i think i'm the one being poopy, more or less. its not like i mentioned how i told him it was okay to leave our job early because he had another job to attend, or the fact that i usually prefer to visit him. and you know how we women can get, of course he puts in the effort it just always seems like SO much less roughly one week a month...i honestly don't know how you do it. i'm going crazy after not seeing him for 5 days...
so, what did you end up ordering at the indian oven?!