Listening to: A Perfect Circle
Feeling: optimistic
10:10 Mid Sunday Night   The Sun Comes Back I don't know if I'm ready to be 20 or not. It's kinda ... sometimes I am like "yeah! i'm 20, and i'm ready" and sometimes i am like "nah. i'm totally fine being 16. let's stay there for now." I don't know if I have changed in the last 4 years, I was 16 when I had my first kiss, went vegetarian, made a friend who introduced me to the "indie" scene, left North America for the first time, wore my first school uniform, met Caleb, started enjoying Zombie flicks... you know, now that I think about it, that was kind of my defining age. I liked who I was and I am perfectly content to be that person for now. I'm still happy to be a teenager, just learning to drive. funny how I didn't think of driving before. I guess it wasn't defining. so. I'm not 19 years old anymore. What did I learn from being a teenager? Did I bother learning anything? There are a lot more trivial factoids rattling around in my brain now than when I was 13. I'm no longer quite as angst-y as my 13-year-old self (though looking back I had some quite profound things to say in my old journals...though between the profound thoughts were the whining about how boys don't like me). I got braces/glasses when I was 13. I got them off shortly after turning 15. I went on my first 'date' when I was 15. I started liking myself at 15. and we've already established that 16 was my defining year. 17 and 18 kind of blur together. I started college at 18, but so far it isn't that much different. still petty student drama, just with more future at stake. whatever. this is life I guess? for a middle class suburban white girl? yay.
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looks like we both skipped out on cleaning saturday. ;/ i did manage to tackle my sink, though. were you on sitdiary when you were younger? it seems like a lot of us have been. i know that i've had at least three accounts here since being 15/16 years old. i'm sure if i looked at the oldest one it would be full of silly entries centered around teen angst. but suchislife
marriage class sounds interesting.
i.m home in california now, damn i love it here sometimes. haha.
i.ve only been to a gay club like once or twice.
Ok, I feel like a jerk for not telling you happy birthday in class today! So, happy birthday!
ha! but did he know your sitdiary link or were you just paranoid? :) i just re-read this entry. hopefully you were never a pretentious indie kid.