35 (206)

Feeling: dorky
Saturday, 7:51 a.m.   There's Nothing Wrong with September I got up at 6:57 this morning. WTF. What am I thinking? I went to bed after midnight last night, almost at one. And I got up at 6:57, and actually got out of bed. I am such a strange girl. Thursday, I never mentioned this, I went to see Evita! It was sooo(x10) good. I almost cried at the end, and the music was wonderful. Now I have to see the movie. I went with my mom, little sister, and Mom's friend's daughter, (and little sister's friend) Abby. Abby and Chelsea sat next to each other talking and stuff and there was nothing else to listen to before the thing started because mom was reading, so I got involved in their conversation. because I'm a caring big sister like that. And Abby asks me all these questions about Caleb...And how would she know about Caleb? I've mentioned him maybe once or twice, when I was at her house, talking to him on the Net about movie night or some thing like that. Maybe Chelsea found this diary? And told Abby about my (almost nonexistant) lovelife? I was thinking about that. And decided not to care. If I'm going to be having an online diary, I should be prepared to have people I don't want reading it read it. Except mom and dad. Luckily, they can't be arsed to find me. Okay, but my point was. Evita. Kick ass. It was so much fun, getting dressed up to go downtown and be metropolitan and see a fantastic musical in the theatre. I pretended to be someone elite, someone important, hanging out with important people from the government or rich or powerful. something. -shifty eyes- Wow. Hi, my name is Teresa. And I'm a freak. But this is nothing new, so let's carry on. Evita was the high point of my Thursday. Getting suspenders was the high point of my Wednesday. I don't remember Tuesday. Friday, however. Friday was the last day of term. So I didn't have to go to my last period, i went to my form class and got reports. I was rather scared, to be honest, because I am not necessarily the best student in some of my classes. But I got allll good marks (except one inconsistant in effort in technology...), and all good comments from my teachers. yay me! And yay no English! Gwen is in my form class, and she is supacool. We remind each other of ourselves. And Caleb is in my form class and not only is he supacool, he is also quite cute. So there's a plus thingy. And at lunch, while everyone was either playing soccer or studying for chemistry, I went and sat with Arina and Gwen and crew. I am accepted by two groups. yay me. Two incredibly strange groups. But nonetheless... I think Gwen's and Arina's friends remind me of my friends at home. and Nik's group is just...well, full of funny random violent cute boys. So I have the best of both worlds! I think. Yay plus thingies! Then I went home.and I talked to Dan! My cowboy dan. ninja cowboy pirate dan. wot? Looked at a map to find Sayla's street, found it, walked to it, got there just in time to catch Sayla as he was leaving to go to Video Ezy to pick up nik and zeb and food and videos. I was ten minutes late, for shame. bad me. And we went back and milled around a bit. We didn't want to start watching scary movie 3 without caleb, so we sat and talked and waited for caleb to come. When Caleb came round, he proposed to me. And Zeb proposed to him in Classics class, and then Caleb proposed to Nik. with plastic rings! Rah! (pictures later). And then we popped in Scary Movie 3. And I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to. It was quite funny. Not the best movie ever, but it was okay. Then we all moseyed on over to Hyun Woo's house, with some fireworks, the prospect of a good time, and only a hint of malice. Lighting them off in the street by the house, laughing madly, lighting sparklers, prancing around. And finally Hyun Woo came out. We cheered and clapped for him, asked him the time, and pulled party popper streamers on him. We walked back to Sayla's house, route via the park, and I stared at the sky. I bumped into Caleb (purely by accident). That's what he gets for walking next to me, and that's what I get for looking at the sky instead of where I'm going. I apologised, though, and he put his arm around me, it was dark, and we were behind the other three, so no one could see. And he let his hand drop to his side, and my hand touched his hand, and I took it. And we held hands until the end of the alley, being so secret. So stealthy. I wonder what it would be like if everyone knew about us. I don't know, but I don't think I want to know. It's nice having a secret. Luckily, I have everyone at home and in my diary to tell. Because a secret like this is too good to keep to myself. But keeping it from everyone here is fun, almost like a game. I maybe told Arina that I liked him. But not much more than that. Anyway, when we settled back down, Hyun Woo was there, so we could watch "Kung Pow." Worst. Movie. Evar. It wasn't even that funny. It was like the lowest budget movie I have ever seen in my life. After that, Sayla and Nik played some playstation 2 game and Caleb and Zeb poured themselves onto the couch, and I poured myself onto them, and then Hyun woo tried to pour himself onto allof us. Mmmm.body pile. and then we kicked Hyun Woo off. That kid takes such a beating... Anyway, by then it was almost midnight and I had to be going, so Nik, Caleb, Zeb, and I walked Hyun Woo home(ish) and then NCZ (can't be arsed to type out names again) walked me home. How shweet. they love me. (cough) We found each other again, In the dark of trees shielding us from the streetlamps. And he took my hand. Teh boy is learning. But we let go once we were past the trees and in the light again. stealth-age! Anyway, we got onto broadfell, I crossed the street and waved goodbye to NCZ, and walked in the house. brushed my teeth, combed my hair, plucked my eyes out, and went to bed. Such a good night. And now, it's morning. Muffled chatter whispers around the edges of the brown glass door (so 70s), sleepy chitchat of the early morning, before anything can be done, while the day still is young, while the day still can be taken. This is my favourite time of most days, the early morning, while there is still potential. Once the afternoon arrives and there are no plans, mostly you have to accept that the day will not be used. If only we could take those unused days like a cellular phone plan and add them on at the end of our life times to do things with. But alas, if we don't use a day, it goes away. Forever. Lucky for me, I have plans tonight. Rugby game! wif Caleb!
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your cute!