I would describe my roommate as....ruthless.

The kind of person that would go out of her way to make a small problem, bigger. The kind of person that would totally sue your butt for even remotely scratching the paint on her car. A person who demands respect for her and her property, but does not give others the same respect in return. A person who always has to be right and will engage in an annoyingly "ya huh, nuh huh" conversation for hours if need be in order to be right. A person who jumps to conclusions and is quickly defensive.

Anyways, her alarm is still going off for hours every morning which annoys me still. Before our girls weekend together it went off at 5:30am. I stuck in earplugs and tried to ignore the best I could for as long as I could. The dog twitching and groaning as he attempted to sleep through it too bugged me also. By then I had royally chewed her out for having an alarm on at 5:30am when she didn't even get up until like 7am. It made no sense. Who does that? Esp when everyone else can hear her alarm, and she doesn't. She repeated what my ranting about her 5:30am alarm, so I know she understood that I didn't appreciate it. But she did her usual thing of stopping her alarm for one day, the next day, and then going back to the annoying ways the next. I started to get conditioned to waking up at 5:30am, even on the weekends, and boy that pisses me off when I can't go back to sleep and I dont have to get up for work.

But now, lately, her alarm has been going off at 4:30am. Great. I tell her I dont appreciate the 5:30am alarm and she goes and sets it for 4:30am and ignores it. I could handle 5:30am, it was only an hour or two I'd have to listen to the alarm go off every ten minutes after I banged on the door the first time. But now its likes 3 hours and I have to bang on the door twice, 4:30am, 5:30am, give up and attempt to sleep again.

And again, this all begs the question of WHY??? Why does she have an alarm at 4:30? Why did she even have one at 5:30? She doesn't get up until 7am at the earliest! Unless she literally lays in bed awake for an hour or so before getting up.

I think it all comes down to a respect issue. She knows it wakes me up. She knows I don't like it. She knows that she doesn't wake up to it. She knows she ignores it. But yet she does nothing to change it. It may stop the alarm for ONE day after I complain. She only respects me off and on. I want respect for me, my property, my dog, my time and esp my sleep. And yes, it pisses me off when I dont get that respect after I've given it in return.

The past few nights I've been reading until like 11:30-midnight and then I get woken up at 4:30am. Sometimes I can fall back asleep after waiting 15-20mins for her to wake up to it, which she never does, not sure why I wait, then I bang on the door and then attempt to sleep again. When I'm excited, stressed, or mad I cannot go back to sleep. Which really sucks after only having like 4 hours of sleep. -_- Of course its fine for her cuz she doesn't hear it/wake up.

Anyways, so I got really angry that her alarm went off at 4:30am again this morning and I waited for like 45 minutes and she never turned it off. I came home last night after work and took a nap cuz I only had like 5-6 hours of asleep the other night. I don't have time to take a nap today. I was pissed. I banged on her door. She snoozed it, then ten minutes later it blares again and she's fast asleep. I wait another 20-25 minutes (she's usually good at snoozing after I bang on the door). Still nothing and I'm still awake. So I bang on the door again and slam my door shut. And of course, every ten minutes after that it goes off and she eventually turns it off.

Anyways, during those 20-25 minutes I laid in bed wide awake I decided to text her. I told her I didn't appreciate her 5:30am alarm, and I certainly dont appreciate her now 4:30am alarm. She replied, when she got up, yes kids at like 7am like I said, and simply said, "Its not set for 5:30am, its set for 6." She meant to say 4:30am.

I did not see that coming.

The thought of denying WHEN the alarm goes off (considering she never hears it, which is the point of this anger) never entered my mind.

Now, if you are woken up in the middle of the night by something annoying, esp if you can't go bck to sleep and/or if it continues all night, most ppl are really good at remembering what time it woke them up and they know how long it annoyed them. Mainly cuz they are pissed and have thought of many ways of killing the annoying thing. Pissed ppl in the early morning hours remember when time they were awoken. Exactly. what. time. You can ask the neighbor exactly what time did the dog start barking and wake you up. They'd like pinpoint it: 2:58am and he didn't stop until 4:21am.

It seems utterly ridiculous to deny this. How would she even know? She doesn't get up/hear it! I simply want to ask her, "Do you know what time I bang on your door?" Do you ever seriously even look at the clock before you press snooze? Do you honestly think I am not pissed enough to know what time I get up and bang on your door? Or how many times I bang on your door, or how long I wait in bed before I come bang on the door? Does these thoughts ever cross your mind? They certainly have crossed mine! Did she even check, double check her alarm before defending herself by saying its set for 6? I mean, really? You going to defend yourself without even checking or gathering proof first?

Its such a stupid issue and its fixable. But again, it all comes down to respect. If something I do bothers or annoys her to the point of anger I would ADJUST something in my routine. I would -change- something to make her feel better. I would not repeat said offense consistently and continuinally. This noise in the morning is not working. CHANGE it. Do something DIFFERENT. Find another way to wake up in the morning that doesn't piss me off. Its called compromise. If she doesn't change something I will. It will prolly involved an air horn next to her ear and throwing her clock out the window, literally.

She's been texting me, but I seriously had to get this all out and calm down before I text her back. She apologized and said it wasn't on purpose, like that's going to make me less pissed. The dog doesn't purposely bark to piss me off, but it still pisses me off. I don't want to say something immature or stupid cuz like I said, she is ruthless. She will fight back like a 5th grader and that just leaves things worse. Her and her bf are so into guns I wouldn't be surprised if I evicted her (cuz I can on month to month rent) that they would come by and shoot up my house. *rolls her eyes* Their immaturity is astounding. And they have like a 15 year difference.

I dont know what to text her. I really dont. Last time I guess I kind of downplayed my anger at getting woke up at 5:30am. Maybe this time I really need to say angry words so she understands how much it bugs me, that I expect her to DO something about it instead of just apologize every other week.

If I get conditioned to wake up at 4:30am now, so help me. If my dog gets conditioned to wake up at 4:30am every morning, so help someone else. Because. Someone. will. get. hurt.

I'm not a big fan of confronting someone via text. Evans roommates did that to him constantly and it was ridiculous and immature. But in some situations I think it is wise. It allows time to think, to clear the mind, to calm down, and to carefully pick out every single word you use in a text. You dont get that chance when you are speaking live. But I have no problem confronting her face to face, which is one reason I'm not really texting her back, but then I think she's avoiding me at home so I dont think I'll get the chance to confront her, so maybe texting is all I got before I leave for the weekend. I need to make it clear that something needs to change. She either needs to actually get up when her alarm goes off and stop "intending" to get up or she needs to find another way to wake up. How do I make that crystal clear?

What pisses me off almost more than her almost blatant ignoring of my complaints is that she'll stop for like one day. So I breath a sigh of relief and say finally I got to sleep past 4:30am. Then the next morning it starts all over again. Its like she thinks I'm stupid. Like one day is going to excuse her. So after this long holiday weekend she'll tell me she "forgot" about our talk/her alarm this week and her alarm will blare again after I get home late from a long drive. -_-

Or the other thing I noticed is that once she pisses me off doing one thing and I confront her, she'll stop doing that certain thing I yelled at her for, but she'll find something else to do that pisses me off. For example, I told her not to leave her laundry in the washing machine, its gross and moldy and ruins my machine. So she stopped doing that, but then poo started showing up on the lawn regularly, or the alarm blared ridiculously long, or she continually locks me out of the bathroom, or she'll come stomping up the stairs at midnight and talk loudly to her dogs. Ugh. Pick your battles, kids.

Speaking of, after this texting thing this morning I noticed there was her dogs poo all over the lawn. The neighbor gets pissed at dog poo on the lawn. Is she trying to piss ppl off? Is she seriously putting the effort in to make ppl yell at her? Does she not see/know this? Is she really that blind to others feelings?

The irony of it all is that if the roles were reversed I can guarantee she would be pissed as hell and yell at everyone if her sleep was interrupted every morning at 4:30am (if only it were possible) and she'd be yelling up a storm if her neighbors dog left poo all over the lawn. But if she does it, then its okay right? Her neighbor would be a complete idiot and other names if he did that, but her? No, she's not an idiot. It would be totally rude if someone woke her up every morning at a ridiculous hour, but when she does it? Its not rude cuz its not intentional.

Whenever her bf does something she doesn't like/agree with she'll blatantly call him an idiot. He might deal with that verbal abuse, but I sure as hell ain't. Just because someone has a different opinion about something or makes a decision opposite of yours, does not mean you can call them an idiot. You may think their decision is wrong (if its not yours) but you dont need to call them an idiot.

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