Feeling: excited

Night #8 - Tuesday

I have to admit I wasn't so excited to start this day out. My head was still kinda spinning and my face still hurt so I didn't think the whole acting thing would go so well. Last night was kind of a low key, silent and tired Monday night. But I was feeling a lil more energetic even though my body didn't really wanna. I no longer get nervous when wondering what character I'm going to play each night. I just show up...

I showed up and they were in desperate need of the starred roles on the board, none of which sounded exciting to me.... Then I saw the Mirror Slasher and I asked if I could that priority role cuz it was near the bedroom and you get some good screams from that and you get a prop! And Brian and Audrey both looked at me and kinda cringed and Brian says "I really wanna see her as a the Reverend" Ugh. Not an exciting role in my head. I was kinda surprised that he actually had a preferenced and expressed it. So I was voted out and ended up with the Reverend. Sigh. I was excited for a moment and then I went back to tired mode.

I got the costume and went to do make up and the guy asks the manager for some medical term sounding liquid stuff and the manager says "this is off limits to everyone else, but since you asked..." o.O Why would he need something with such a long name to apply make up on me? Then the manager turns to me and says "It'll only burn for like 3 minutes thas all I'm jk".... Uuuhhh... Cuz usually they paint an upside down cross on your forward for the character..but it seemed he wanted to burn one in my forehead instead. It had a very strong smell. It didn't burn it was like...applying clear fingernail polish to your forehead and letting it dry. Then he colored it all up and made it look like it was really burned in. It was kinda cool.

So we do warmups early and then sit in our rooms for like 30 minutes before we do anything. I got a few tips for my room and made some friends in the next room over. I got the funeral room with the organ, casket and headless dead body. Then the night started and I learned that slamming the pulpit got some really good reactions and I decided I like it. Even if its the same scare over and over at least I get a scare... I got to yell and scream and "Amen" and "May God Save your soul" and "repent for your sins" One I kept saying was "Praise the Lord" if you think about it I'm not sure why like a priest of the devil would say that...but whatever.

But while I was hiding and scaring.. this guy with a camera comes into my room and plops himself down at different angles in my room and starts taking pictures everytime I jump out and act. o.O Um, excuse me weird man in the corner, who are you and why are you taking pictures? He comes over and says "Didnt you win Actress of the Week?" aw, crap. "Yes..... what does that mean?" "We take pics of all the Actors and Actresses of the Week and put them up in the building" or something like that. Oohhh greattt. If I woulda known thats what that award ment.....

So inbetween customers he'd set up a nice flash and I'd act and pose as he took pictures. It was kinda weird. But it didn't mess up my scares too much cuz really all I did was pop out and yell praises. The yelling part was kinda fun and I got some interaction with the ppl too and yay for lack of stupid ppl! Somehow I got a lot of energy from that. And then suddenly I was acting for pictures. The night went fast that way. But it did seem like it was against my religion the whole time doing it tho.

I got released and I went over and talked to my new friend Brian (even tho he made mormon jokes w/o knowing my religion) and we kinda made fun of his receptionist who was doing absolutely nothing. I saw him act as the Cell Escape and saw the screams/looks he got. That was awesome. He comes up behind and blows on their neck and they turn around with twisted look of fear and run. mwhaha. Then I went to turn in my costume and there was the picture guy talking to other actors of the week. He said choose which picture you like the best and I went through his pics and found like two I liked and asked his opinion. We chose one with me like holding the pulpit with a snarl on my face or something prolly saying "Repent for your sins!". It was all black cept for the flash lighting on my face and hands and you could see the cross on the puplit and my forehead. Then I chose a background. 5X7 picture is going to be up somewhere out there of me.... kinda creepy.

At times tho I wished he woulda came on a night where I had a different costume or maybe bloody makeup...I dunno. It was kinda nice to have the attention, it helped with my energy in the room, but at the same time I still dont know the consequences of those pictures and if I will like it....

My hands hurt soo bad from hitting the pulpit so many times and I had hit my funny bone on the corner of the pulpit one time.... :( I think I cried a bit. Tear. Jump out and yell again. I already bruised up my elbow from being the surgeon on Friday and then I hit it again so a bruise and a funny bone and I didnt want to bend that arm anymore... But even with injuries it was kind of a fun night! for me. personally. at that time. It wasn't my favorite role but it was good.

One guy came in and jumped a mile and started cussing up and down and he finally said "you are the only one so far who actually scared me, you actually scared the crap out of me, you actually did it" blah blah. That was kinda fun for me...cept well, I'm at the very beginning of the house! I'm sure he almost peed his pants a bunch more times after that. He hadn't got to the Asylum or Dungeon yet. I think he said "she's good" to the camera as he was leaving... See that, I'm so impressive.

I hide behind the organ and some ppl look back to see if there is someone there but I'm down low enough and kind of inside the organ enough that they cant see me so when I popped out they were surprised on more than one account. mwhaha.

The room of the night went to the Asylum cuz they had the little girl Morgan in there with a chainsaw. She's like 6 or something and she made her hair all crazy and wore big clothes and was a ball of energy in a room with a saw. I hear she had the best possessed expression on her face too while she chased ppl with the chainsaw. I wish I woulda seen it. Brian Gates comes in "Hey there sweetie what you got there?" Morgan turns around with a chainsaw and her possessed overly smile on her face and starts towards him and starts the chainsaw. aaaahhhh. The comments called her the "chainsaw midget" and said that we needed more of them.

Meanwhile back on planet normal with no chainsaws or scary faces in daily life, I went to a ladies house and bought some DVDS. She had Jaws!! Totally want to see that movie and I got Gremlins and some other scary movies. I like to find or re-watch movies that actually scare me. teehee. Jaws actually scared me cuz I dislike large bodies of water. So excited. I'm totally gonna sit and watch these in the dark with popcorn and get scared! I'll warn my roommate she can't watch it with me. She even had Empire Records. I watched that once a long time ago, like Junior High and for some reason I fell in love with it. I thought it was just one of those rent, give back, and move on things, but I found myself looking for it in high school to watch again. Weird. I dont usually watch movies again and again unless I'm in the mood which doesnt happen often.

Oh the things I'll do when I'm not acting anymore, not that I dont love it...

I just gots me some new toys!

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