Listening to: humming of machines
Feeling: different

I couldnt take it any longer. I had to find out what a perm would do to me.

So I went and got a perm on Saturday. I know I'm weird. Who does perms nowadays when everyone aims to have freakishly straight hair like mine. But ya know the saying about never being satisfied with what you got, you always want what someone else has.

I like the idea of a perm, not having to do my hair, just let it down, not even having to brush it now, lack of frizzy staticy hair all over the place, no more gobs of chemicals to make it stay down and in one place, and lots of volume! It feels thicker now, and I have no clue what to do with volume or thick hair. But hey, it's something other than straight. I think I'll like it...for as long as it lasts anyway. I have a lack of faith in the whole mucho chemicals to make MY hair do something different.

I've noticed also, that my hair tends to reflect how I feel a lot of the time. Or I feel like how my hair looks... or something like that. You know what I mean. Again, if I knew how I'd post pictures and be done with it.

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