Feeling: famished

Thursday my day consisted of ruining the computer for good

The Windows Installer went corrupt

Prolly something I threw in recycling when deleting almost everything in sight...

Being unproductive at work because of it

Then ran to ASL class in which I openly and shamelessly flirted with the teacher

From then running to Hip Hop where I barely survived

Between lack of food/dinner and the sinus headache I had

Then I ran to Jamba Juice that totally didn't help my headache. Brain freeze.

Then I went overboard on food at Wendys and ate til I got sick.

Then I went to bed with a stomach ache never to repeat this day again.

Friday, today, I spent sitting watching our IT guy hook up a new computer he built for us last night, more specifically at 3am, considering I screwed up the last compy. He builds all of our compys apparently. But in my defense, that compy was like 8 years old and compys should not last that long! Its not my fault the boss is a cheapo and dragged the compy to its death....

I sat watching, learning, and asking questions from like 10 to 2:30pm. The boss was annoyed we weren't getting anything done in the office. "If you think it's more productive to sit out there and watch the IT guy hook up this computer, then go ahead and sit and watch him" I'm like "Okay". He said he wanted to come learn too, his attention span didn't last that long. The boss' ignorance towards computers/technology is funny yet frustrating. "What's a CPU and I'll let you know if I can hook one up" Oh boy. He went into that weird snoop into everything mode. If you weren't watching the files you had yet to do they'd disappear from his desperate need to find something to do/put away. Ugh. He'd clean, pick up, file, print, and copy anything and everything just to have something to do. Slightly annoying.

By 2:00pm my stomach was killing me and the IT guys head looked like a drumstick or a chicken wing.... My body seriously hates me now because of lasts night food epidemic and then this mornings cereal with real milk up to starving it til 2:30 in the afternoon. :(

The boss may not appreciate what is taking place considering how much it cost him, but I am on cloud nine. Siked man. New Computer. I actually feel like I'm using the wireless internet and not dial up! After seeing the HUGE difference between compys I really felt like I was living in the Stone Ages with that 8 yr old compy. If I had the choice, I'd suck the boss of his money and invest in everything this IT guy does. mwhahaha. In a year or so, after he's recovered from this expense, I'll hit him up for a new desk. He can definitely pay for it, unlike Ralph. :D

"Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this!!"

Meanwhile, I'm just staying after work, doing absolutely nothing remotely close to work.... Just playing with my zooming fast internet, MSN, and Media Player and youtube. mwhaha! This is the life baby! Get paid to not do much and get to play even faster now! But I better go find food again before my body really starts to hate me.

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