Feeling: childish
Friday Pay day!! A check that'll go to my credit card! Casual Friday! Jeans! That...don't fit... Halloween morrow! I getta where weird outfits And nobody'll think it's too weird! Get to go home! Carmel popcorn balls! Yummy! Frightmares tonight! Wednesday was weird cuz I worked I went to Mindys and ate her food and then took a shower cuz Grandma won't let me shower at her place cuz of caulking issues. And then Aunty Flow decided to come. Prolly just cuz it learned Mindy was bleeding too. So I was in pain and went home and laid down to watch TV and ... I don't remember much after that til 6:45am the next morning. Thursday was nice and relaxing I went to Coffee Break after making some carmel popcorn balls. I read my phone agreement/policy thing. I read my boss's resume and bio. I read some court case stuff from his last secretary. I read some of my IRA/401K plan - but mostly it said to contact your tax adviser, no problem there! I read my Notary notes so I could sign up for the test... I drank an Applebeer. Two hours. I ignored James's stupid friends who still go to the Break. I got annoyed by Cris yet again. I kinda got annoyed by Levi too. Him and his new 'love interest' so its back to me not really existing anymore. Douches they all are! I went shopping at Smiths afterwards. I got like $40 worth of food. A pizza, some popcorn chicken with Sweet and sour sauce. Shrimp with cocktail sauce. Toater struddles. Some jerky for some odd reason. And a cake mix. Mostly frozen food that I can eat at work. If I want to eat next week I have to buy it this week. And if I want dinner tonight too... Cuddle and get warm and fall asleep!
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