[174] Its the end of the world

Listening to: end of the world song
Feeling: hellagood
Hellagood?... yeah? Its the end of the world as I know it and I feel... I'm supposed to feel fine... that's how the song goes... why do I not feel fine? The person who wrote that song lied. he's a liar who LIES! If the world ends, you run around in circles until your face explodes... (assuming the ending is caused by a massive explosion)and you completely panic... and he [the songwriter] feels fine? He is a homo-fag. That's my new word. Homo-fag, homo-faggish, homo-fagget and homo-faggolicious... all good. ahhhh. so MUCH NON!!!! SENSE to say. but i dont feel like it. everything is stupid. but i guess sometimes stupid things are necessary. urg. You know that saying follow your heart? Don't believe it... your head will keep you safe. always follow that head. tis true. I thought that everything would eventually come together in time because I love brett with all my heart. And my heart told me to do anything to be with him. but I guess God didnt approve of that decision. I guess in a way its kinda nice. God disciplines the ones he loves... so I guess he really loves me and brett. But still. Thats only one way to look at this and its hard to when my mind is consumed by all these doubts and fears of losing brett. this is getting long and obnoxious. you are free to go. please kiss my elbow and put the seat down. mucho thank-o's.
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