[1305] Buttcritter

we went to home depot to get the following for my tracing light box: -the tool to use the construction adhesive -daylight light bulbs still need: -compact fluorescent light blubs (that are low heat so they don't get the box too hot.. ) -a rotary toggle switch -drafting acetate -other things and for my photo light box I still need: -a white umbrella -foamcore want:black granite tile for shooting light objects that would look dumb on a white background cant wait to put them together. I made a mini one. I used an old box for a battery charger or something and the glass from a small picture frame. cut out the top of the box and tapes the glass on top. and then i took the lights from 2 small Chinese lanterns we don't use and stuck them inside... but one broke in the process.. all i need now is some acetate!! but i can't freaking find any. I hate when i go to home depot and I ask a worker a question and they turn around and give their answer to Tim. what is the freaking deal? I asked.. answer ME! g's. like I'm a girl so I must be clueless about everything home depot related... and since Tim is a guy he must be building something and I am just there for the idk.. experience.. BS. Tim didn't even know what acetate was. not that its Tim's fault that people are idiots to me. its just annoying. i love when people say they don't care about politics but they get so defensive about the topic. its weird... if you don't care about it then why the strong opinion? and its not like I love Obama.. I actually think they both suck and can't believe it came down to these 2 people of all the 6 billion people of the world.. but even McCain knows Obama will do a better job. On the news they said there were rumors that he said that! and even if he didn't, its okay because its true.. McCain can't even pronounce words and some people are still butt hurt because he lost... thinking he could actually fix our economy? uhm.. no. he might be able to talk about guns and wars and I'm so awesome because "i have the scars to prove it" lol... how many speeches did he stick that line in? we know... you were in the army... stop milking it.. sent out a few million resumes.. well not really but a lot.. more than i have been because its been getting a little slow.. but it picked up.. a few responses but weird ones.. one was from an employment agency.. I'm so sick of these stupid employment agencies! For everyone looking for a job... DO NOT go to a staffing agency, employment agency, temp agency... they don't care about you. they have like 5 jobs and take like 100 resumes for the same job or a non existent job in some cases just to get you in their system because some of them get paid on commission of how many people they recruit! its a waste of time and its annoying. we are fairly certain i am not pregnant. however, for under $4, it doesn't hurt to find out... i am like 98% sure I'm not but.. by the off chance i am.. what could taking bcp's do to a baby??? i don't wanna chance it :[ i absolutely know for certain its not the time for babies yet.. but ahhh! i want one so bad... :[ I want to start my family :] i was pretty apprehensive about the possibility of more than 1 girl.. but.. I'm starting to think it might actually be nice to have more than 1 girl. still prefer 2 boys and a girl but I'm ok with whatever were to happen. and I'm used to what i want usually (in all things not having to do with Timmy) turning out the opposite, so we actually probably will get all girls. although Timmy usually gets what he wants and i think he wants 2 boys too so who knows.... anyways. jefri is licking my toes. buttcritter is a funny word. lol. ________________________________________________ Ten Anonymous Things You Want To Say To Ten Different People: 1. Give me back my shoes you whore! 2. stop biting me! 3. You're weird... 4. You suck balls. 5. You are a complete contradiction 6. You ruined my wedding and most of my life and until you realize it, I can't forgive you no matter how many little nice things you might do to get me to forget 7. You are a complete waste of time and I have absolutely no respect for people like you 8. to #7 again... I don't wish death upon anyone and i never will and mean it, but i absolutely would not care if you died, i might actually feel relieved for once. 9. I'm sorry I am a stupid face :[ and I should be in bed with you right now but your upset at me... 10. to #9 again.. and I love you so much. much. much. that was hard. all of that was to different people except for 8 and 10... Nine Things About Yourself: 1. I love Tim. 2. I have small pinkies. 3. I'm a closet geek. 4. I am a huger dork than you think. 5. I have yet to break a bone. 6. I want to ride a hot air balloon. 7. I am terrified of being in the dark alone. 8. I like playing halo. 9. I still want to meet Justin Timberlake someday. Eight Ways To Win My Heart: well if i didn't have a Timmy.. or in just a friendly way... 1. Don't lie to my face. 2. Don't lie to not my face. 3. Make me laugh. 4. Make me feel interesting. 5. Act like I'm the only one in the room. 6. Don't try to impress me. 7. NEVER blow me off for stupid reasons. 8. Treat me how you'd want to be treated. Seven Things That Cross Your Mind A Lot: 1. career 2. babies 3. i want a kitten 4. Timmy 5. something I'm studying at the time. 6. is butter a carb?? 7. why my family is a bunch of dirty bastards Six Things You Wish You Never Did: 1. Having sex with Jason. 2. Moving back home. those 4-5 times. Stupid! almost as stupid as having my mom convince me to be my wedding planner! 3. Not getting a restraining order on Brett when he was clearly a psycho and everyone tried to warn me... this should probably be #1. yeah if i had to pick one thing out of all these it would absolutely be this one. 4. Going out with Andres.. sorry but that's not mean... he was a dick and a half and a selfish bastard of a person. and thinking of our time together sometimes makes me vomit in my mouth a little... 5. Taking a break from Tim in October :[ worst month and a half of my life. 6. Buying Alisha shoes.. what is her problem? Five Turn Offs: 1. Egotistical a-holes who think they are Gods gift to women when they are actually just a worthless waste of time. and who think they are way better at everything they do than they actually are. sooo annoying 2. liars 3. bad kissers 4. bad hygiene (Timmy smells so good) 5. very hairy. like everywhere.. Four Turn Ons: 1. Confident but not cocky!! 2. Good kisser 3. sense of humor 4. Timmy. Three Smileys That Describe Your Life: 1. :] 2. >:O 3. ^_^ Two Things You Want To Do Before You Die: 1. have kids 2. go to Europe One Confession: 1. bite me
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