[1693] Stomach Issues & Aromatherapy

Just finished reading chapter 19 "Stomach Issues and Autism"... and its so weird! Because i can relate to everything in it. I've had stomach problems since I was a kid. earliest memory of stomach problems was in 4th or 5th grade. And they've only gotten worse since. My stomach hurts most of the time. and I've just come to realize that this is my life. And that most of it was due to lactose intolerance. and then i read this...

Look at most autism traits lists and you will find "stomach and intetinal problems." One almost feels led to believe that autism somehow causes stomach problems. Most of the world's top autism researchers and doctors now believe that it is the other way around - autism is intially caused by a compromised digestive system which allows toxins from the environment and food to get into the bloodstream and impact brain development at crucial stages. The popular autism diets - the gluten free, casien free diet (GFCF) and specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) also operate on the premise of a compromised intestinal tract. A "leaky" gut doesn't allow proper processing of elements found in milk and wheat (as well as some other grains). These elements become toxic and impede brain development and functioning.

Donna Gates, author of The Body Ecology Diet (2006) and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome (2004) both also say, very convincingly, that autism is caused by lack of healthy digestive flora in the body.

Some of these experiences occurred daily, with high levels of pain, but Aspergirls, myself included, had them so long that we'd come to accept them as a fact of life.

...Merely by chance I heard of a product called Amrit that was purported to be the most powerful antioxidant in the world, with claims of a very positive impact on digestive problems. It also claimed to improve health of mind, brain and nerves; increase vitality and inner strength; enhance coordination of mental and physical functions, and more - all things which seem relevant and useful to an autistic.

...The trial lasted 2 months. Those who stuck with it felt more even keel, had a decrease in the number of mood swings and meltdowns. Some experienced a decrease in anxiety with a decrease in the need to stim. Some could handl social interactions a little better.

Those are only a few things from this chapter. Tim agrees that its weird because he knows how much my stomach has been an issue since he's known me. it affects so much. Food shouldn't feel like glass in your stomach. especially when you are sticking to a healthy lactose free diet. Another thing I found weird is that a lot of Aspergirls crave extremely sweet or salty foods.. and for myself i crave sour foods too. extremely sour, then salty, then sweet. not a fan of spicy. even tho i am hispanic. i eat sour candy until my mouth is numb. i could eat salty foods for hours. and i am the only person i know who not only tolerates and can eat a lemon like an orange, but actually craves them as snacks. I think I am going to look for that stuff.. "amrit" and see if it works for me.


Another thing I've been looking into is aromatherapy .. apparently some aromas increase performace. lavendar 5%, cedarwood 83%, and vetiver 100%... So I'm thinking it would be interesting to try them out.. some others i might try are.. peppermint, neroli, roman chamomile, sandalwood, franckincense, rosemary. I was thinking i would talk timmy into becoming my personal massage therapist. not only willit be good for my autism but i think massage is supposed to be good for weight loss too.. which would be nice.. not to mention relaxation, flexibility, and reducing insomnia.. etc etc..

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