[1966] Danke Scheon

Yesterday was a crazy day of nonstop travel. My pack hurt but I discovered its because something inside was poking me in the shoulder blade BAH! Once I fixed it it was like carrying marshmallows. I asked the front desk guy at the hostel how to get t the train station for berlin and he told me.. but I guess I arrived at the metro station.. I asked this older lady how to get there and she told me to get on the metro and go 2 stops away. Well. She was wrong. I thought she'd know being a local and everything. Grr. So then i get back and find an info center and ask and they tell me to take the bus to the station. So I find the bus stop and get on and I go to pay with my card and he says cash and I only have american dollars because I spent the other stuff. And I said "sorry I'll get off' but he said it was ok and to just stay :) So that was nice. I'm getting the hang of all these trains. It was really confusing at first but I think I got it now.

Got into Germany last night. I'm in a hotel in Berlin right now.

I miss Denmark a little bit. I met Liting the first day in Denmark. She's going to Sweden and the Finland. I should have gone with her.I sort of asked but not really. She said I should go though once. I should hav gone Blah That was one of the routes I originally wanted to go.. Sweden and then not finland but Norway to see the northern Lights but she said Finland is cheaper and higher up so better chances to see them. Oh well. I miss all the bikes and the cool toilets haha. I will not miss straightening my hair and having it frizz in 10 minutes.

On the train from Copenhagen there were like barely any girls. And if there were, they were with a guy. WEll I did see one older woman alon. This creepy man kept trying to "help" me. Like and get really close to talk. Not a German thing.. a creepy thing. Meh. In Hamburg he asked where I was going and I looked around at the other faces on the train and I noticed all their eyes glance over. Not like they wanted to know too.... more like waiting to see if I was actually going to tell this creepy lol. I said "uh.. beeeerrr..lin.." I didnt want to tell him but I couldnt think of any other place. So when the train stopped I waited for him to go one direction and I went the other Creep. All the guys are so tall here.The girls are normal.

Since steppin foot off the train Ive had the song Danke Scheon stuck in my head.. and memories of the girls locker room in high school.

I can already tell the language barrier here is going to be a little more challenging than it was in Denmark.

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