
Sooooo yesterday i had my first class. CIT 170. it was ok. I already knew everything he was saying but it'll be good to review and get little things I forgot or missed the first time learning this stuff. Oh I did learn one thing.. font tags are not depreciated.. theyre deprecated. i was saying it wrong. other than that, nothing i didnt know before. hopefully it picks up soon. some of the people were funny tho. like this old man.. first of all i just think its funny that an old man is choosing now to learn html and stuff because your mind is pretty much at full capacity right? and u wanna jam all this nonsense in there? anyways.. he thought that if you put the first bold tag in front of text it makes it bold, but if you put on the closing tag. it turns bold off. i dunno, i thought it was funny. interpretation. what a wonderful and scary thing. some people who will remain nameless dont get it obviously. if you are going to lose an argument so badly, dont be a sore loser. I hate when people think they won just because they use big words or more words. what a douchebag. Last week I made a whimsy decision to not send jason the bill for stuff. but after being thoroughly annoyed without even actually talking to him.. i decided why not? he said he'd pay for it. so just send it. i would love it lots if my scanner worked right now. I cant find the chords but it wasnt working when i hooked it up at my house last time. boo. I want to post pictures of the apartment me and timmy like. its spectacular spectacular.. for an apartment of course. This week and next we're going to look in areas like TO's and such and then if its still an option, we're going to put an offer on the one mentioned above. Our loan lady thinks timmy can afford, just by himself, an apartment that is $60,000 over our budget. by himself. but thatd be so tight and timmy's are smart. he knows its smart to have a cushion and save. and stupid to live paycheck to paycheck or spend money on things that make people think you have money. Getting a cheaper apartment will make it so much easier, especially when i can contribute. and its our first place. well, first owned place. So it doesnt need to be crazy awesome. So today I was going to go to art history and gmd 101. but i decided to scratch them and take art 124a so i onnly go to school tuesdays and thursdays. and it'll make it easier to get a job. in theory. oh yeah, plus another online class. photo150 since its required for other classes i'll probably take next semester. yes. finally. all figuried ouuutt. more on this later...
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