I hate how I neglect this site. It used to be all of me. Now its just a web address. He got a new job, thank god. No more moping around on the couch. It was so hard, when I tried to cheer him up, nothing happened. No reaction. Hopefully things will be better now. Last day of lessons for this session = pizza for teachers. I was a nice teacher and bought them lollipops. No matter how much I shower, no matter how much time I spend out of the water, I still reek like chlorine. And my hair is still straggly and ratty. But I no longer have hair on my arms. Now if only it would eat away the hair on my legs.... Parents are coming over for taco night. The Independence day celebrations are commencing tonight as well. A plus to living near the fair grounds- we don't have to pay $30 to listen to Three Dog Night, we'll be listening from my house. But I best be off to work. Gotta make those dollars.
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I neglect this site, too. I wish I didn't. I used to update everyday religiously.