Feeling: content
houses don't lill people. people kill people. i prefer to report the events of my day in words rather than sentences. it leaves the details up to the imagination. swing speedboat butt tag rotten peaches sixth graders relatives holy spiced apples vegetable soup sex shoulder hot broke and happy loungify ax squish exercises shirt skateboarder tuxedo dress tummy i wish i could get dressed up for school one day.
Read 5 comments
wow, when you break it down, it still seems so confusing

holy curiosity batman!
I saw the word 'sex' and I concluded that you had a great day.
HEY! You only gave me the jist of the whole day in the first place =P

Sex or not, sounds like you had a great time. That's what it's all about.
hey! youre dressing up as Sally? That's so fun. My friend dressing up as her too. She got her costume like 6 months ago. haha.