Feeling: longing
lonely still. i miss him. i watched a movie with my brother to hopefully get my mind off of missing him. didn't work. top ten things of today: 1. made a sign for vacation bible school (i must say it is a pretty good looking sign) 2. had a slushie from sonic 3. got my schedule for work and my uniform 4. watched "meet the fockers" 5. left some comments on other peoples diaries in hopes of making new friends 6. ate a popsicle 7. put gas in my car 8. slept in til 9 12 9. remembered my dream from last night (the remembering part was from today) 10. missed skyler. so maybe that last one shouldn't be classified as a top but its what i've been doing all day. heh.
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haha, thanks for the screen name, im me whenever you want hun! I love making friends!!!


ps-if that is you in the corner-your MAD pretty!
yay work!

I'm sure life guarding is a bajillion times funner. and you get paid a bajillion times more.
hahaha.. yup. we both like to use big words.