Feeling: peaceful
The one time sD works for me is the one time I don't have anything to say. Rather, I have lots to say, just not an interesting way to relate it. I'm due for surgery on Tuesday. Gotta get that gall bladder taken out. Ever since my attack on Tuesday morning I haven't been able to do much. I haven't gone to work, I rarely drive, I can't eat anything substantial, I'm not allowed to go anywhere of interest for fear (my fear really) of another pain attack. Not that I mind the time away from work, I was getting burned out. But man is it boring alone at my house. Zach has come up the past few days, such a great guy. He'll be there on Tuesday for my surgery too. I leave for Washington on the eleventh, return the nineteenth. Zach, however moves to his new house the eighteenth. We were hoping I would be there to help him move. Ah well I suppose. I will be moving back down to Cedar City around the twenty-third. Assuming they figure my dorm shit out. They fucked up in the housing office and lost my application. So I will found out where I'm living next week, instead of in the middle of July, when everyone else found out where they are to live. Hopefully my roommates won't be bitches.
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