Listening to: the washing machine
Feeling: lovely
yay! i got to see skyler. he is my favourite. i went over to josh's house and played in his hot tub. (is hot tub one or two words?) yah its like 100 degrees outside and we got in the hot tub. it was pretty damn hot. oh well. then we got dressed and just lazed around. then i went home. not a very interesting day. i did get to see skyler though so that makes up for anything bad. he told me he loved me. it wasn't the first time but i always love hearing it. i'm usually the one who says it but he said it this time. twice. actually only once the 2nd time we said it at the same time. it made me feel really good. why am i turning so emo? i can't go emo. i'm the evil, cold-hearted one. according to everyone else. well fuck them. i love not caring what people think. i hate having to keep up an image. people should all just go fuck themselves. if they don't like what they see, screw them. if they can't catagorize what they see, screw them. i hate catagories. at least stereotypical catagories.
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yay dumb adolescents at pools.

yay seeing skyler!!
and double yay for not caring about reputations.