A Review

I was just digging through my files tonight, searching for something that needed my attention. Fortunately, there was much to be found. UNfortunately, my mind has been far too distracted and annoyed to actually add a decent thing to anything. I really need some nice piano music. Music is the only way I can block-out he sound of the TV and it's really hard for me to write to music, odd as that is. I dug into my poetry file, shifted through a few of those, did some minor editing (which I never do with poetry). Funny though, I noticed all that all my 'romantic' poems weren't very good and all my 'abstract' poems were quite so, but I could still remember the meaning behind them. I doubt anyone else will but, hey, that's poetry; you find your own damned meaning. School today was busy. I managed to drop my ethics class and switch into psychology, which I can already tell I'm going to enjoy a lot more. My French class is going to kick my ASS, no joke. I'm really concerned about it. I mean, my teacher starting saying all this junk in French and I was like, "whoa...I understood three words she just said..." Funny though, I can understand her better when I don't try to translate in my head and just visualize the words written down. I don't know why that is. So I'm nervous about the class, but I'm also excited. My English class, on the other hand, is a whole nother story... First of all, when the teacher walked in I thought she was a TA. Very young, fresh grad, and she didn't impress me at all. It's English 102, so that already depresses me. Why couldn't I have scored high on that stupid AP test?!?! Anyway. We'll see how it goes. Observation: My writing in my journal is like nothing else. I mean, I don't think I talk like this, and I certainly don't write other things this way...must be the work of dumb thought. Kris is coming home this weekend, did I mention? And I am actually staying a weekend in the dorm, can you believe that? We're having an open house all weekend so mom thought it would better if I stayed here. Hey, as long as Kris is here, I'm fine. : ) SO, looks like this semester is going to be a real challenge. I bought all my books today (except one, they were out)--a shocking $500; I almost fainted at the check-out. But that's what you get when you take 18 credit hours. *sigh* I'm going to schedule an appointment with my advisor to talk about 'my future and direction'. Make sure I'm doing the right stuff and to try to find the classes I'm looking for. At the bookstore I found a book on photojournalism--why am I not in there?! College=a process of writing checks and jumping through hoops for a piece of paper that creates a ladder higher than the last diploma. I just keep thinking about what Jackie was saying to me one day when we talked in her office, about how you're paying for an education, so you should appreciate it and really work hard. It felt really good to get straight A's last semester and while it's going to be exceedingly more difficult to accomplish this semester, I'm going to give it a damned good try. Hope everyone is doing well. Carrie
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