J.B. (still) Dreams

What is rest, or break, or soundless sleep? What is pause, or inactivity, or free time? I still don't have internet access at home, so these to follow are my interrupted thoughts during the infamous Phot-O JournalISM class and this room smells like glue and the atmosphere is a clash of incompatable music blaring from each computer. I've had a lot on my mind lately. I mean, more than usual. I guess you could categorize some of my feelings lately as sort of an out-of-body experience. I just keep getting surprised by the sound of my own voice and I'm startled when I glance at a mirror as if I don't know myself at all. But at the same time, I know myself better now than I ever have before. This research paper is starting to take-over...oh the pains of MLA formatting!! I dont mind the research besides. Actually, I'm realizing that I have a real interest in author biographies. It's neat to see how their lives have influenced their works. I have to say though that my favorite authors to date still remain as J.D. Salinger and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Amazing stuff. They're the kind of writers that you have to absolutely love because you can't just read their work, you have to READ it, really get in-depth and know the author and the time period and the style and all that jazz. Their books might be kind of lousy if you don't know all that stuff and this is about the only time I like reading extra just to read a book. I've had Franny and Zooey on the shelf for years (it belonged to my mom), so I picked it up and have been walking with my head downcast all morning. Salingers and Fitzgerald have, I can clearly detect, been a very a strong influence on my thinking patterns lately. I've been stepping out of my life, which was what I was talking about when I mentioned the whole out-of-body experience thing, and I've just been really analyzing my surroundings. It's a screwed up sort of world here, to tell you the truth. I think I'll just take notes for now and some day I'll compile it into a book that won't scream the names of their muses. Ok, back to the news of reality I suppose. Like said in KM's diary, the Cotillion talent night went really well. Believe me when I tell you I'm modest, but I have to say with factual honesty that kris and I were the best one's there, and that may be simply because we put the most amount of time and work into our talent. It was evident, and sometimes boldy stated, that other girls put next to no effort whatsoever into their 'talent's. I'll be thanking Kris until I'm wrinkled for going in on this with me. And even though we were working all this time towards the talent show and it was a really great performance, it meant less to me than any of the other times we danced. I had the most fun with it when it was just the two of us, stumbling in a small space and laughing at our mistakes. But, it was nice to show-up prepared and you can't help but to feel proud of yourself after a thing like that talent night. The one-acts are going pretty well. I'm already getting a little sick of Telephone, but I guess once we get off book (by tomorrow!! Ah!) and have props, it will be more fun. I sat in for Nik and Aaron's one act- Impromptu, and did some "directing" for them because they were freaking out about not having any direction or criticism. I like their show, I think they'll have a lot of fun with it. Much better than No Exit. Regionals and solo/ensemble is this weekend. Flute choir isn't prepared yet, but we never are. Rearsal today after school and then again tomorrow morning. PS- today's a half day, which means school is short and the day is long. After my rehearsal, CK and I are going to the mall to Fast Fix, grabbing lunch, and then I have to go see my Cotillion pictures at 4. Grandma is mad because mom and I are never home and we don't spend time with her and play games. Mom's mad because dad is always home and not out working and making money. Such is life. Bell just rang so I gotta jet. Carrie PS- sorry for the long-ass entry. I warned you.
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