Pumpkin Week

Hmmm...a little behind on my life story... Sunday was a fantastic day. Church was exceedingly long--praise service, confirmation, and a wonderful guest speaker with a heart-felt but long story to tell. After all that it was the usual routine, the blending of families sitting around together on Sunday afternoon having lunch. After that, Kris and I stopped by Michael's to pick up applications for work during winter break. They don't know if they will still be looking for help by that point (they're hiring now), but here's hoping. To skip to the end (or near-end) Kris and I ended up buying a pumpkin and headed over to his Aunt and Uncle's. Kris had told me stories about his uncle's enthusiasm for Halloween and the many pumpkins he carves, so we were walking up the front steps and heard a drill through the window, that pretty much confirmed it. I had a great time being with his family, gutting and carving pumpkins. My pumpkin became "BOO" with a ghost popping out of the last O. I managed to bag about three pumpkin's worth of seeds (yummy) and it was just jolly good fun all around. unfortunately, time is never on our side and we had to get going. we returned to my house where I quickly threw all my stuff together, we wolfed down sloppy joe (not because we were rushing all that much, but moreso because we starving and the sensation of hot meat from the stove was incredible), Kris ate half a carton of ice cream, I cooked all my seeds, and then it was parting time. Tres sad. I had to hurry back to school for CV's Halloween party--which, in all honesty, wasn't worth anything. I bonded a little with the girls so I guess that was good. Struessel dressed up as Erik Fink, so that was funny for the first ten minutes. Prolific Speaker was the L tetrus block, Benya was Bender from Breakfast Club, Catherine was a fireman, and then one kid was a weed plant, another was a lighter, and the third was a bong. As ridiculously immature and collegeish as that was, you had to give them mad props for their costumes--made by one of the architecture students, I think. Anyway, they were pretty good. No excitement after the party. Last night, Halloween, I had my dance class. Two kids from the Saturday class were there and could actually dance, amazingly enough. I don't know why my class is so retarded. Anyway, I have to go out dancing for the class so I think I'm going with them and some other girls from my class on Saturday. Write a paper on the one experience and make-up the other two. Oh, and one of the kids is a photojournalism major (a sophmore with enough credits to be a junior) so we're going to talk some day and swap info--more like, him talking, me asking a bazillion questions. Anyways, after dance (10:00 now) there came the question: What to do??? End result: a little shin-dig in Alex and Josh's room. Justin came over too which was nice and a bit surprising. I was glad he and Alex got to hang though because they had a bit of a falling out during "the Amy break-up". So I thought it was good that they are friends again. Anyway, that has been story of the past few days...I ought to stop slacking in my entries so I don't have to bombard the screen with so much wild info. Sidenote, and thought to my self: When I am much, much older from now and have kids, I should like to spend Halloween thus: Take them to a pumpkin patch, let them pick out any pumpkin they want (then magically find more pumpkins at home--the cheaper ones from the grocery store). Carve lots of pumpkins, bake all the seeds (from my own recipe, thank you), and have the front yard decoraded with hay stacks, luminarias, scarecrow, and the pumpkins of course! Sounds lovely, doesn't it? *sigh* Note to all: Check out the new radio station, 97.5--big band, a bit of jazz; good music sums it up pretty well. "There's a new star over Phoenix". Lame name, awesome sound. Carrie
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