Business and Busy-ness

I have an interview today at Micheal's to hopefully have my job back for the winter holidays. I know I'll be grudging about having to spend all my time there again, but it's only temporary and it will be so nice to have some income again. I hate taking from checking without being able to replenish. Not this job is really going to do that. What this job is going to do is simply give me the pocket money I need to buy gifts. But that's a good thing. It's Kristofer's birthday today! He's finally 18! You know what that means...we're legal. ^.^ At the moment he's driving down from Flag so I had better go finish getting ready. More to report later... Happy Turkey day everyone! Carrie
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legality is always a plus.

I saw him driving today over near Mohave Middle School. I was like "hey...was that Kris???"
